Interview and manifesto analysis: Tia Manavis – SRC Vice President Student Support candidate

Katy Scott
News Editor
Manifesto Analysis

Tia Manavis’ manifesto focuses heavily on ideas that cater to the individual well-being of each student and addresses the familiar problem of engagement. However, given the current budget restraints of the SRC, the viability of actually enacting all of these well-meaning initiatives is questionable.

Manavis emphasises that she will be “actually opening up communications between the SRC and societies and unions” if she were elected. She suggests the SRC could take on a more supportive role by “helping students help themselves and helping the unions help themselves”. Engagement is a cliched stock phrase of the SRC, and Manavis’ intention to open up communications is nothing new. However, her track record of successfully working with the SRC on behalf of the Isabella Elder Society does show her potential to establish clearer channels of communication internally within the SRC and externally with societies offering support to students. With three years of working on the Isabella Elder board behind her, she is certainly not lacking in experience.

Given her rival candidates’ work on the SRC as welfare and equality officers, Manavis may stand at a disadvantage as she has never held a position on the council. She views this as a positive aspect of her campaign as she has been actively communicating with the SRC regarding projects such as the Let’s Talk campaign.

Manavis’ plan to help students who do not necessarily fit the mould of a “stereotypical undergrad” is a welcome one and it demonstrates her awareness of the diverse constituents she would be representing. Her ideas are open, inclusive and mindful.

The SRC has been run by a small group of insiders for years and this only impacts engagement negatively. Manavis offers a good variety of ideas and has a proven track record of cooperating with the SRC which would only improve as VP Student Support.


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