QMU Building
Credit: The Glasgow Guardian

QMU Election Results Announced

Credit: Anon. – QMU

Austen Shakespeare

The Queen Margaret Union (QMU) election results were announced just after 10pm last night.

President: Priya Khindria
Vice-President (Membership, Clubs & Societies): Una Marie Darragh
Vice-President (Board of Management): Mata Durkin
Campaigns & Charities Convenor: Emily Rose
Events Convenor: Cameron Logan
Publications Convenor: Clare Patterson
Social Convenor: Maggie Brunker
Current Student Representative A: Mitchell Welsh, Charles Sherrington, Priyanka Chandi
Current Student Representative B: Kelly MacArthur
1st Year Current Student Representative B: Daniel Donoher
Former Student Member: Julia Catherine Mark

There were some complications after some online votes had to be discounted owing to technical difficulties. However, it was explained that although this changed the margins, it did not severely impact the results.

Following the results, outgoing QMU President Jack Smith stated: “This is the first year that we have used online voting and, as anticipated, it has led to our highest level of turnout in years in numerical terms. We also saw 25% of our members vote in the election, which sits at well above the national average for a Student Union election, so we are absolutely delighted with that.

“We are looking forward now to the handover period, and it is good to see that both ourselves and the [Students’ Representative Council] will be handing over to an all female executive for next year.”

Presidential candidates breakdown:
Priya Khindria after the fifth count received 304 votes.
Megan Davies received after the fifth count 255 votes.
Nour El-Issa received after the fourth count 163 votes.
Anya Owens received after the third count 87 votes.
Peter Dobbins received after the second count 59 votes.
There were 14 votes to reopen nominations.


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