Library service changes could puts jobs at risk


  • Library management admit that staff  could be “made redundant” if proposals are accepted.
  • Negotiations between management, trade union representatives and library staff  are ongoing




Fraser McGowan

Library management have tabled proposals to reduce the number of hours when the library offers staffed services, changes which could lead to a number of shifts being “made redundant”.


The initial proposal was to reduce the number of hours that staff services are available at the main library, with the intention of making it entirely self-service after 6pm on weekdays and after 5pm at weekends.  This proposal would have reduced the number of three-hours shifts available to staff, resulting in the loss of up to 36 three-hour shifts a week – the equivalent of six full-time positions. After negotiations with staff and trade union representatives, however, this proposal has since been revised by library management, but it is unclear what concessions have been made.



Currently, staffed services begin at 9am and end at 8pm on weekdays during the semester. At weekends, staffed services open at 1pm and close at 5pm. If accepted, the proposed changes would mean that staffed services would close at 6pm on weekdays, resulting in an additional “two hours of self-service during semester”. At weekends, the library management have proposed keeping “the existing hours of 1-5pm but replacing the existing team with a new team of 3 Troubleshooters on each shift with a total 6 shifts per week.”. Currently,  evening and weekend services involve “most staff” working one three-hour shift a week, shifts which would be “made redundant” if these proposals are accepted.


Margaret McParland, who is the Unison branch secretary for Glasgow University, told The Glasgow Guardian: “I can confirm that there has been recent consultation between Unison, Unite and Library Management over service delivery on evenings and weekends in the Main Library. The challenge is to ensure that we reward the hard work and commitment of our existing staff and to protect our members’ jobs.


“We are at a crucial stage in the negotiations and discussions are ongoing between the Unions and University Management. The Library Management have listened to our concerns and have made an alternative proposal which is now the subject of ongoing consultation.


“We have forwarded the new proposal to our members and are awaiting their response.  We hope to achieve a result that is acceptable to our members and, hopefully, will deliver a level of service that is not detrimental to the student experience.”


Liam King, president of the SRC, told The Glasgow Guardian: “Proposed changes to the staffing hours of the library is a retrograde step. Students want more access to facilities and services not less. We have been making representations to University authorities however it is becoming clear that a wider campaign will be needed if we are to halt this ridiculous decision”.



A spokesman for the University of Glasgow said:  ‘The Library has proposed a new model for supporting Library users, particularly in the evening. This is due to a decline in the level of transactions that happen after 6pm and the desire to provide a consistent level of service throughout the year. The proposed new model is to offer staffed services until 6pm every day, including during vacation (services currently end at 5pm). This means that students and other Library users can expect the same staffed service hours and levels of service every day that the Library is open and that we are better able to support international students who are on campus during vacations.  


“The proposed changes would mean an increase of two hours of self-service during semester and a decrease of one hour of self-service during vacation.  The current evening evening/weekend service operates with most staff working one three hour shift a week. These shifts would be made redundant and the University is working with the campus Trade Unions to mitigate the effect on the staff involved”.


According to a document obtained by The Glasgow Guardian summarising the the initial proposal, “the driver for change is the redevelopment of level 2, and the opportunity for a new service model that better reflects the needs of students and other library users”. The document also states that: “self-service lending transactions now account for approximately 70% of all loans and we expect this to rise as we encourage students to make use of the improved self-service facilities that will be available once the refurbishment project is complete, as well as the machines that have been placed on the upper floors”.


There is reportedly a “recognition on the part of University Senior Management that key buildings on campus will be open long hours without support staff available” and, therefore, it is “important we [library management]  put in place robust systems for self-service and access to information”.



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