Additional study spaces made available on campus

Credit: Florianne Watt

Credit: Florianne Watt

Katy Scott
News Editor

The Students’ Representative Council (SRC) have recently announced a number of additional study spaces for the December exam season.

Pop up study spaces have been arranged and will be available the week beginning Monday 5 November. The spaces can be booked immediately.

For group study, eight rooms are available for booking (via the SRC Welcome Point) for a maximum of 12 people. They are available for morning (9am-1pm), afternoon (1:30pm-5pm) and evening (5:30pm-9pm) slots from Monday through to Saturday. For individual study, Committee Rooms 1-4 of the Queen Margaret Union (QMU) and the Glasgow University Union Libraries will be available 9am-5pm from Monday until Friday. The QMU TV Room will be available as a reflective room for de-stressing. Individual study rooms do not need to be booked in advance.

Four large rooms will be available in the Sir Alexander Stone Building on Saturdays – rooms 204, 206, 303 and 208. These rooms have capacities of 22, 24, 55 and 224 respectively.

The SRC have also advertised additional subject specific study spaces which are open throughout the year and typically available 9am-5pm. These include the Boyd Orr labs, the Adam Smith library and the computer labs in the Joseph Black building.

Vice-President for Education at the SRC, Kate Powell spoke about the improvements of this year’s batch of study spaces: “We have got out of hours access, evenings and Saturday, to study spaces and 8 bookable rooms – last year we had none of these.”

The total number of study spaces in the Library is 2152 and when desk-based PCs are included, this number is just over 2800 study spaces. As of now the Main Library has 748 computers, with a number of machines due to come online once they are rebuilt which will take the total to 770.

There are 24,691 students located at the Gilmorehill Campus at the University of Glasgow, which means that there is one study space in the Main Library for approximately nine of the students on campus and 33 students per computer currently installed in the library.

The full list of study spaces, including subject specific locations, can be found here:


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