Credit: - Glasgow Science Theatre Planetarium

Remote Sense: lose yourself in art and technology

Credit: - Glasgow Science Theatre Planetarium

Credit: – Glasgow Science Theatre Planetarium

Innovative artists Jonny Knox and Darien Brito debut in Glasgow

Elisabeth Graham

Art exists to innovate, to break barriers, to deviate from the norm. Remote Sense by Jonny Knox and Darien Brito is no exception. Debuting at the Glasgow Science Theatre Planetarium as a part of Cryptic Nights, Remote Sense is a visual and audio experience quite unlike any other.

Glasgow based artist Jonny Knox teamed up with audio-visual based artist Darien Brito to create Remote Sense; although they have been working on this project for some time, the pair didn’t meet in person until two days before the premiere in Glasgow on 10 November. Combining Knox’s background in architecture and computer generated graphics with Brito’s work in audio-visual elements in technology, these artists have developed an immersive experience that leaves the viewer stupefied and bewildered.

Remote Sense draws inspiration from cave paintings; by utilizing the dome structure of the planetarium, the viewer is placed in the same perspective as a Neolithic artist or viewer. Ambient soundscapes paired with abstract visuals create an experience that forces the viewer to pay attention. Experiencing Remote Sense elicits a very visceral reaction within its spectators, and it’s difficult to realize how immersed you are within Knox and Brito’s built environment until there is a pause and the planetarium goes completely dark.

The blend of technology and artwork contributes to the success of Remote Sense. How often can you say you’ve gone to an immersive art experience in a planetarium? Not very often. The creation of this project marks a pioneering of art into new and exciting places.

There is nothing quite like Remote Sense, and that is precisely the mission of Cryptic Nights – to give new Glaswegian artists a chance to explore emerging ideas and create new and interesting content. By encouraging the creative exploits of artists, projects like Remote Sense can take place and have a great impact on its audience.


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