Credit: - The Garage Night Club, Glasgow

Drinkaware Crews to support vulnerable clubbers in Glasgow

Credit: - The Garage Night Club, Glasgow

Credit: – The Garage Night Club, Glasgow

Jo Reid

The charity Drinkaware has teamed up with the Best Bar None scheme to protect vulnerable individuals over the festive season.

Winter is one of the most vulnerable times of year for clubbers, as the holidays tend to encourage relaxing and over indulging. Clubbers are often at a greater risk of both hurting themselves and potentially catching hypothermia.

Crews will be stationed at The Cathouse, The Garage, and SWG3 in order to look out for and help those who may need it during a night out.

These crews will assist people who have had a bit too much Christmas cheer by helping them find friends, get any rid of unwanted attention, or just be there for anyone who needs a “shoulder to cry on”. Trained in first aid, the crews will be armed with bottled water and tissues. They will distinguish themselves by wearing red tops and carrying black shoulder bags with a logo that identifies them as “the Trew”.

To introduce themselves, the crews will give details of their role to people queuing at these venues and will regularly check toilets and stairs for people who may need help. The crew members will be in pairs and liaise with club managers, security and bar staff to ensure everyone has a safe and fun night during the winter period.

The scheme has already been trialed across parts of England and South Wales and, while working across ten venues between November 2015 and July 2016, their crews supported over 2,600 people, with 1,542 cases requiring emotional support. It is hoped that the previous successes of the scheme will be repeated in Glasgow.

In time, venues such as The Garage and The Cathouse will join the scheme following the pilot at SWG3 in Eastvale Place. Operations Manager at SWG3, Jonathan Dawson, said: “It gives me an extra layer of service and safety. We want our customers to come and have a good time and, most importantly, to get home safely.”

Chief Executive of Drinkaware, Elaine Hindal stated that they were “delighted to bring the first Drinkaware Crew to Scotland” and that the presence of these new crews meant that “people in vulnerable situations have someone who is there to spend as much time as is needed, to make sure they are looked after and that they can either enjoy the rest of their night or get home safely.”

With so many risks involved in going out over Christmas, this scheme intends to provide help and support to those who might need it and ensure that no one will be left alone in a vulnerable or unsafe position over the holidays.


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