Interview and analysis: Fay Pennington – QMU VP Membership, Clubs and Societies candidate

Jonathan Peters
News Editor

Fay Pennington has more energy than 2 cups of coffee and some interesting ideas to improve the QMU.

She has plenty of experience in management at the Union already, and says she attends committees for fun. In anyone else this would be highly suspicious behaviour, but Pennington genuinely seems to love working at the QMU. She had no problem explaining its inner workings, and I’m confident she can get a lot done as VP for Membership, Clubs and Societies.

Her ideas to improve the booking system and website would be a huge improvement on the current system, and she’s confident her plans can be achieved without a lot of money or IT help. It’s hard to say whether that is true or not: but with her understanding of the system now, and her plans to improve it, she might be the best person to find out.

Pennington also emphasises the need to rethink the QMU’s offering from the student perspective. She tells an interesting anecdote about a 3rd year with no idea his membership would get him £2 pints. I have to confess; I didn’t know that either. She might have her work cut out, but she has a good idea of the scale of ignorance about the QMU membership’s benefits.

She has a lot of experience organising events at this university. She seems very confident in her ability to deliver a smooth Freshers’ Week. It’s arguably the most important time for the Union, and Pennington repeatedly emphasises the need to manage it properly.

Fay Pennington is a great candidate. She’s enthusiastic about the role, has interesting ideas for improvement, and knows how to achieve them. I think she would make a great VP. 


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