Credit: Sheila Scott

Better Than Zero ask workers’ views on 4am licensing proposal

Credit: Sheila Scott

Tara Gandhi
Deputy News Editor

The Scottish workers’ rights organisation is concerned that already unsafe conditions will only get worse with later opening times

Worker advocate campaign group Better Than Zero have launched a campaign over concerns that the proposed 4am closing times for Glasgow nightclubs could negatively affect workers’ safety. The Safe Home campaign looks to get taxis provided and paid for, to ensure that workers on late night shifts can get home safely at night.

The campaign consists of both a petition and a survey, which Better Than Zero hope will provide a worker-orientated look at the current debate surrounding the 4am licensing. The Scottish workers’ rights organisation is concerned that already unsafe conditions will only get worse with later opening times, and want the people making the money from the increased hours to give some of that benefit back to their staff in a way that will provide more security to those having to make their own way home in the small hours of the morning.

Organiser Claire Galloway said: “We know that the proposals will mean a benefit to the the economy and the city, but will people ask about the effect on workers?

“If venues are applying for an extension to their opening hours they have a duty of care to make sure staff are getting home. We know there is an increase in violence, attacks and sexual assaults at this time of night and it is dangerous for staff.

“You could say to staff not to take the work but many are not in a position to turn down a shift. This is a big issue and blindly extending opening hours with no worker’s consultation whatsoever is wrong.”

There are also concerns that these changes could place negative pressure on the police and medical services within Glasgow, although those in favour of the move say the pressure will be alleviated by the variety in closing times ensuring drinkers don’t all spill out into the street at the same time.

Better Than Zero’s consultation survey can be found at


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