Interview and analysis: Alexander Farren – GUU Honorary Secretary

Maisie Wilson
Culture Editor

Alexander appears proficient and well-versed with the internal operation of the GUU, having been elected as a PSM in the by-election last April. During this time he has been involved in the HIVE committee and organising events such as Oktoberfest whilst also sitting on the Welfare committee and participating in cross-campus fundraising meetings.

Alexander discussed modernising the Union’s website and introducing professional branding in order to not draw focus away from HIVE and The Well, but instead increase the attention given to the old building facilities. When questioned whether the GUU has enough time to invest in this, he put forward the idea that the PSM’s responsibility would grow to include this revitalisation as they have already increased the role of the PSM to include public relations.

In relation to the ever-chaotic Daft Friday ticket sales, Alexander acknowledged that this is a long-standing issue with no obvious answer. His solution is to be stricter on the conduct of the queue, stating that the GUU does not own the street and it is a person’s own choice to queue for tickets. However, his manifesto does state that they will also focus on the litter issue that occurred last year along with penalizing those who queue-skip or cause excessive noise.

In his manifesto and in the interview, Alexander stresses the importance of keeping discipline policies up to date along with continuing to focus upon mental health safety training and sexual violence prevention training among those who operate within the union. Stating that the GUU is coming to the end of their contract with the current stewarding company, Alexander discussed how it gives the union room to negotiate with a new company in regards to putting more focus on mental health safety and sexual violence prevention training.

It’s clear that Alexander wants to continue to modernise the GUU in order to keep up with the students who attend the events there. Although discussing someone else’s idea regarding the implementation of membership cards in his manifesto, he explained that this was because he wishes to continue this endeavour. Alexander’s manifesto thoroughly covers a substantial number of ideas that he wishes to pursue if his campaign for Honorary Secretary is successful. His ongoing involvement in the GUU shows that Alexander is driven to sustain the importance of the union.

Read Alexander’s manifesto here.


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