The McIntyre Building, SRC Offices
Credit: Hungju Lu

Winning SRC candidate disqualified for breaking election rules

The McIntyre Building, SRC Offices

Credit: Hungju Lu

Hamish Morrison & Georgina Hayes
News Editor & Editor


The candidate that received the most votes for SRC VP Student Support (VPSS), Yipei Wei, has been disqualified for breaking election rules. Runner up Tom McFerran has been elected as VPSS.

The Glasgow Guardian understands that Wei was reported on four separate counts to the SRC for campaigning in the library, in contravention of campus election laws.

Canvassing is not permitted in the library or any other campus building under the SRC’s constitution, with some exceptions.

Wei was running in a three-way contest for VP Student Support, one of the paid, full-time Sabbatical Officers of the SRC. Her campaign focussed primarily on the particular issues faced by the Chinese student community at Glasgow University.

The Glasgow Guardian has approached Wei for comment and is awaiting her response, and it is unclear if she will appeal the decision.


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