Editorial: Happy Xmas!

Credit: Georgina Hayes

Bethany Woodhead and Tara Gandhi

You’ve made it through the first semester! As third years we have the joy of no exams to study for this December, and we finally have a break from our constant stream of essays (unless you’re like Beth and have a semester’s worth of good causes to catch up on by the end of the fortnight!) 

As we look at what’s been going on around the Uni, it’s been a pretty good year so far; students have taken action on an investigation we published into the Uni’s investment in the arms trade, there have been multiple marches in the fight against the climate crisis, and we saw a spike in the number of people bravely standing up to report sexual misconduct and violence. Our personal lives, however, well… they’re not going so great. With us getting the role of Editors-in-Chief, in every other aspect of our lives, chaos has naturally ensued. 

We can often be found stomping through the McIntyre building at 2am in our slippers, pizza crumbs stuck to our face, caffeine coursing through our veins, and our equally delirious friend and Views Editor, Hannah, lying on our office sofa, listening to Taylor Swift. 

Yes, we’ve had some pretty great highs so far, but don’t be worried if you’re sitting here thinking, “God can things get any worse for me?” We promise you, you’re not alone.

And with the impending doom of a general election creeping over us, our sense of hopelessness has been heightened (please vote!!!)

Nevertheless, Tara’s relentless playing of Christmas music (since October – yes, she is one of those), and the many drunken film nights with friends, has forced us all to try and lift our spirits slightly and stop with the pity parties.

Looking into the new year, we have a lot to look forward to – a new decade, a new government and hopefully many more exposés to publish. During the holidays we’ll be opening applications for some positions, if you’re interested in joining in the fun as part of our management team, and be sure to keep an eye out on our Facebook page for details of our first meeting of the new semester – see you all on the other side!


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