Deputy News Editor and Reporter
Didn’t make it to the QMU? Don’t worry, Jordan and Silas have a run down of all the positions and questions, from the serious to the silly.
Last night culminated the first day of election action, and QMU hosted the hustings for their non-executive positions. This year they have many contested elections across three different races. While elections are a stressful time for most, including our team, many questions are silly as at these hustings, as well mixed with tough questions, but don’t worry – we’ll cover both.
Tech Convenor (uncontested)
Alex Tsernoh – Wants to continue the progress of the tech team this year. Notably, they have upgraded equipment and branding making livestreams, quizzes, and other events more attractive. He also wants to organise training programmes for junior tech operators, as well as open up that opportunity for senior tech operators to gain experience. He also faces being drafted in the Estonian army for mandatory service.
Social Convenor (uncontested)
Josh Hay – He made a grand dancing entrance, with lights and music. He seeks to capitalise on the success of the Big Friday Music Quiz and the Wednesday Pub Quiz. He wants to grow the organic PR these events have succeeded with as well as replace his pub quiz co-host in the transfer window. He is self described as “batshit crazy” and “the xbox jacuzzi convenor”.
Publications Convenor (1 seat)
Gabriel Rutherford – He noted his experience writing and serving as an editor for QMUnicate. If elected he would use the position to collaborate and promote Campaigns and Charities’ initiatives. He wants to make QMUnicate more accessible to a wider audience under a new distribution effort and editorial changes, giving a space for more people to write in. He wants to cut the number of editors in order to make it more comfortable for contributors and less cliquey, as well as chop off the science and tech section. Enjoys scrambled eggs for lunch.
Susanna Zarli – In her manifesto, she states she aims to foster creativity and engagement, and she also wants to create more independence for individual writers. She wants to increase accessibility, but wants to do this by changing the culture around the publication team. In her manifesto, she has stated that she wants to generally add more editors to make people feel more involved, but also wants to cut the science and tech section out of the publication. Also eats scrambled eggs at lunch.
Campaigns and Charities Convenor (uncontested)
Robbie Greenshields – He wants to ensure continuity with current campaigns, as well as expand mental health campaigns. He wants a QMU Earth Day event and drive. His favourite thing to bake is chocolate and orange cookies, made famous on GlasKnow. He also fielded a question over the phone from a dog, who he assured will keeped the treats in the cafe stocked up for.
Current Student Representative A:12 Months (3 seats):
Tom Burnip – He has experience serving on the tech team. He seeks to expand technology options, like facebook live streams, in order to promote engagement. Would bring tea, scones and champagne, somehow on a five pound budget. He wants to cut down on non-reusable products like plastic cups. Overthinks whether or not Jaffa Cakes are cakes. He also wants to steal the GUU building.
Miles Grant – He wants to use the Union to host for activist events, especially with COP26. He wants to offer the space for organisations for fundraising and activism for groups like ADC and XR, and argues club nights would be perfect for these activist groups. He has a personal stake in whether Jaffa Cakes are cakes or not, and is currently banned from their factory.
He Ng – His manifesto focuses on improving events. He wants to start a new club night to cater to the changing demographics in the union, including K-pop and techno nights, and would advertise events on social media more. He doesn’t have a stake in the Jaffa Cake debate, but would say they are cakes based on title alone. He is not a fan of snacks, as he is “healthy”. This was met with large booing.
Ishani Mukherjee – Her main goal is to promote QMU socials and compete with GUU, as well as to explore and create new events. She wants to go paperless for board meetings and says Jaffa Cakes are soft and thus are a cake.
Current Student Representative B: 6 Months (2 seats):
Finlay Carruthers – They want to run events promoting sustainability, such as clothing repair shops, and also want to create a hummus society. They want to be a supportive ear for freshers who may feel overwhelmed by starting university in Glasgow.
Jahnvi Kadakia – Her manifesto revolves around two key programs; Buddy to buddy – giving a voice to people who are hesitant to try out new things and book exchange – an anonymous exchange providing support to students.
Ritika Pandey – Her manifesto has a focus on going green, as well as bringing more inclusivity and representation to the QMU. She would plan to do this by merging events with other societies. She would bring Sensations crisps on the food budget.
First Year Current Representative A: 12 Months (uncontested)
Cailean Campbell – His manifesto focuses on inclusivity and trying to increase diversity in the Union, as well increasing publicity for events. He also desires for more first years to become engaged. His favorite sandwiches are ham and chocolate spread, but not together.
First Year Current Representative B: 6 Months (2 seats)
Christopher McNally – Christopher is an enthusiastic first year who wants to listen to people’s concerns. He is also a fan of Pringles and dip, and showers in the morning to Elliot Smith. If he was a Disney character, he’d be Gaston or Le Fou, ask him for the reason why.
Fatima Saeed – Her manifesto seeks to add support for students. She noted how she works well in teams, listens to people, and is enthusiastic. She wants to introduce drug detection kits at Union events. She claims morning showers aren’t possible if you have morning classes. She also enjoys cats.