The extra money will allow the SRC to introduce an extra Advice Worker and a Gender-Based Violence Counsellor.
The Student Representative Council (SRC) has secured extra funding from the University of Glasgow to fund two new student support roles.
The money will provide a new full-time advice worker, who will begin working in the new academic year, as well as a part-time gender-based violence counsellor (GBV) who will be in the post from 10 May.
The role of the advice worker will be to support the SRC in its delivery of professional and confidential advice on a range of student issues from accommodation and finance to academic issues and student conduct cases. The new position will be important in allowing the SRC to carry out this work in the face of increasing demand for its services due to rising student numbers, which was one of the key cases the SRC made to the University in order to secure more funding.
Aimee McGurn will take on the role of GBV counsellor, running a drop-in clinic one day per week. The sessions, which add to the SRC’s campaign against GBV such as the compulsory Moodle module on the subject, are bookable via the SRC website.
SRC President Ella McCabe said: “We are delighted to receive this extra funding from the University. For us it is a recognition of the instrumental role that the Advice Centre have played in delivering student support over the last number of years, particularly in response to increasingly challenging circumstances.”
Ella McCabe called the introduction of the new role of GBV counsellor “a very proud moment for the SRC.” The President added: “whilst any form of GBV is something no one should have to experience, we recognise the existing urgency to provide support to those in our community who are unfortunately impacted, and we continue to be committed to advocating for this support.”