acceptance Archives - The Glasgow Guardian

It is what it is…

7th January 2023

Natasha Coyle discusses why she’s no longer stressing about the things she can’t control. The phrase “it is what it is” has been thrown around in many situations, usually to deflect personal disappointment at how a situation has unfolded. But “it is what it is” are also the foundational words for practising the art of ...

Accepting defeat never tasted so sweet

17th October 2022

Hailie encourages us to embrace reality in this brief exploration of radical acceptance. It’s been increasingly hard not to go all doomsday on things when it feels as though we’re permanently in crisis mode. Be it the chaos surrounding the cost-of-living, the continual demise of the climate, or the pressure to unpack the two-hundred-and-twenty-two easter ...

Sport can change lives and lives can change sport

13th March 2022

In conversation with trampoline club captain Hollie Fullerton, the student driving a campaign for LGBTQ+ and unisex representation in sport. For several years, transgender and non-binary athletes have been at the heart of sporting debates and have become political lightning rods in a sex-segregated sporting world. Amid all this controversy and unrest, Glasgow University Sports ...

The final stage is acceptance: is my grieving wrong?

25th September 2021

Editor-in-Chief Hailie Pentleton asks if there is a proper way to grieve. It would have been my Papa’s 80th birthday last week. I missed out on being able to go home and visit his resting place because I was waiting on another PCR test result. As much as she misses him, I don’t reckon my ...