autism Archives - The Glasgow Guardian

Review: Heartbreak High Season 1

25th October 2022

Elle discusses the ways in which Heartbreak High 2022 diverges from other Gen Z oriented media, and why labelling the show a reboot does it a favour. The renewal of the Australian comedy-drama series, Heartbreak High, has sparked discussion about Netflix’s current influx of ‘Gen Z shows’, including Sex Education, Grand Army and Never Have ...

I forgot that you existed…

14th March 2022

Editor-in-Chief Hailie Pentleton explores the unique impact that the past two years have had upon her ability to maintain friendship as a neurodivergent adult. Like most of the scatterbrains I’ve encountered recently, my inbox is awash with unread messages. Well-wishes from friends, requests for favours, and moody recollections all abandoned to a sea of missed ...