Drugs Archives - The Glasgow Guardian

Cocaine and classism

1st March 2023

The Glasgow Guardian unpacks Glasgow’s status as the cocaine capital of the world and its stemming class divide. Scotland. A picturesque land of babbling brooks, evergreen trees, snowy mountain tops and even snowier noses. According to a 2022 Vice documentary, Scotland is now the cocaine capital of the world, in particular Glasgow, with Scotland having ...

University drug policy: disciplinary, educational and health approaches

22nd February 2023

The Glasgow Guardian explores the University of Glasgow’s approach to drug policy. “Never have I ever done hard drugs,” someone pipes up from across the room. Everyone takes a drink. After a year of being locked in Murano, there now lies the promised land of heavy techno clubs with strobe lighting that are just “so ...

How effective are antidepressants in the face of a student mental health crisis?

19th September 2022

New research suggests antidepressants may not be as effective in treating the causes of depression. The use of antidepressants amongst the UK population is becoming more and more ubiquitous as the years progress, with research indicating that levels of prescription are on the rise for the sixth year in a row, reaching a total figure ...

Drug harm management: Freshers week

16th September 2022

In the first of his new monthly columns, medical student and co-Director of Drugs and Me Arthur Sebag discusses harm management with relation to drugs and alcohol during freshers week. Disclaimer: This article is completely fictional and written in good faith on the basis that students in halls consume alcohol and other drugs every year ...

What progress has been made this Harm Awareness Month?

8th February 2022

Editor-in-Chief Lucy Dunn speaks again to Peter Krykant, ardant drug policy reform campaigner, following this year’s Harm Awareness Month, about the changes that have been made surrounding drug support since last year. Peter Krykant has long been campaigning for changes to be made to drug policy in Scotland. I first spoke to Peter after receiving ...

Spotlight: Fixing Scotland’s drug problem

29th May 2021

What measures are needed to reduce our drug deaths? Looking at the issue from both a national and student perspective, The Glasgow Guardian speaks to both activist Peter Krykant and student Arthur Sebag. Glasgow’s Safe Drug Consumption Van has received its “first official funding” and is now in a better position to “improve service delivery”, ...