eating disorders Archives - The Glasgow Guardian

My experience with avoidant-restrictive food intake disorder

2nd March 2022

Managing an eating disorder can be incredibly difficult and isolating, but Writer Flora Gosling emphasises: you are not alone. CW: Eating disorders. How do you feel when you look at cat food? Sure, it’s food, you can see that. You can recognise parts of it; chunks of meat, a bit of jelly, something dry and ...

Lectures, vodka, and anorexia nervosa

2nd March 2022

The battle of living the student life with an eating disorder. Content warning: Eating disorders I consider myself to be a relatively brave person: the thought of jumping out of a plane, with nothing but a scrap of fabric to save me, thrills me, the dark intoxicating heights make me feel alive. So why then ...

Are you really what you eat?

2nd March 2022

Meg Russell explores the way that morality, politics and judgement is mixed together and served up with food choices. CW: Eating disorders Relationships with food are really complex. I obsessed over it for years: only ate certain things, didn’t eat, over ate, and hated myself and my body throughout. As I disentangled myself from the ...

‘Fat’ needs to be abandoned, not reclaimed

2nd March 2022

Molly Mead argues why we should stop using the word ‘fat’ altogether and instead find a new vocabulary that does not attach negative connotations to a person’s size. CW: Eating disorders. Seemingly obvious yet systemically suppressed, a crucial fact to arm yourself with is that bodies come in a vast array of shapes and sizes, ...