macmerry300 Archives - The Glasgow Guardian

MacMerry300 workers condemn company’s ‘steady level of bad’ as union members continue to take action

15th January 2022

Following a collective grievance raised by Unite the Union members of MacMerry300 and Abandon Ship Ltd bars across Glasgow and Dundee, The Glasgow Guardian spoke to student-age Glasgow hospitality staff about the unfolding situation. Grievances included lack of adherence to Covid-19 restrictions and procedures, as well as long-term issues involving staff pay. The Glasgow Guardian ...

MacMerry300 owner accused of lying to press amidst Covid breach scandal

9th January 2022

As staff collectively launch grievance against company MacMerry300 – which owns Abandon Ship and The Bull in Glasgow – for “systemic mistreatment”, Unite the Union further claim that owner Phil Donaldson has made false statements in his latest press release. Staff employed at 13 bars across Glasgow and Dundee are accusing top management of “neglecting” ...