modern Archives - The Glasgow Guardian

The Texas abortion ban: a modern age bounty-hunt

15th October 2021

The Texas abortion ban reveals how our society continuously takes away the rights of women, BIPOC and transgender people. As of 1 September 2021, Texas has enacted the Heartbeat Bill, a near-total ban that only allows abortions before a fetal heartbeat is detected, which usually happens at around six weeks, long before most people know ...

Brexit impedes start of the semester for School of Modern Languages and Cultures

11th October 2021

The Glasgow Guardian sits down with Professor Stephen Forcer, Head of the University of Glasgow’s School of Modern Languages and Cultures (SMLC), to discuss how Brexit has impacted the start of the new academic year. The Glasgow Guardian: What exactly have the problems experienced this year been? Have some language assistants been unable to obtain ...

Steamy, sinful or stereotyping?

23rd February 2021

Gay sex deserves to be treated as frankly as straight in modern media. During the pandemic, streaming services have provided us with an opportunity to escape the monotony of our daily lives at home, taking us on socially distanced adventures from our living rooms. When casual dating is limited to a socially-distanced walk in Kelvingrove ...