Problem Archives - The Glasgow Guardian

Football’s racism problem is not on the decline

17th November 2021

Lewis Paterson discusses the persistence of racism in football. It hasn’t felt that long since it last happened, but the old “racism in football” conversation has been forced to make another unwanted appearance. When the Manchester City player Raheem Sterling faced racial abuse live on TV at the hands of Chelsea fans, it again brought ...

The problem with real student stereotypes

17th October 2021

A reflection on the cliques around campus, and the dangers of believing stereotypes… Glasgow Uni isn’t quite like the colleges you see in American rom-coms, as I’m sure you’ve realised by now. You’ll rarely find yourself choosing to sit with the scholarship jocks or the band nerds, and the high school cliques tend to dilute ...

Spotlight: Fixing Scotland’s drug problem

29th May 2021

What measures are needed to reduce our drug deaths? Looking at the issue from both a national and student perspective, The Glasgow Guardian speaks to both activist Peter Krykant and student Arthur Sebag. Glasgow’s Safe Drug Consumption Van has received its “first official funding” and is now in a better position to “improve service delivery”, ...