7th December 2021
The “Fibre before the Fibre” project aims to bridge the educational inequalities caused by lack of access to the internet highlighted by the pandemic. A new collaborative initiative seeks to bridge the digital divide in access to online educational resources exposed by the Covid-19 pandemic in Sub-Saharan Africa. The “Fibre before the Fibre Project” is a ...
17th November 2021
Plants used for carbon capture planted on the banks of the Clyde in new rewilding project. Seawater Solutions and BlueGreen Glasgow are showing “Last weekend in Govan”. Seawater Solutions is an organisation that helps turn under-utilised land into wetland ecosystems for food production and climate resilience. BlueGreen Glasgow is an organisation that aims to restore ...
17th November 2021
The Runaways London project uses artistic depictions to convey the previously untold accounts of runaway slaves. Runaways London is a new project led by the University of Glasgow in partnership with the literature charity Spread the Word, and the publishing house Ink Sweat and Tears Press, which explores the stories of those who escaped from ...