sabbatical Archives - The Glasgow Guardian

SRC spring elections: what happened at the sabbatical positions hustings?

1st March 2022

Polling opens at 9am on Wednesday 2 March at 9am for the sabbatical positions within the SRC. The Glasgow Guardian covered hustings for the sabbatical positions on the SRC. These positions are: SRC President (three candidates: Jordan Hunter, Jenna Fraser, Rinna Väre), Vice President Education (two candidates: Micaela Levesque, Miko Mojsiej), Vice President Student Activities ...

Election analysis: Who are the candidates vying to be next year’s SRC sabbatical officers?

1st March 2022

Editor-in-Chief Lucy Dunn and News Editor Luke Chafer break down the 2022/23 SRC sabbatical candidate manifestos. Nominations for major positions on the 2022/23 student board of the SRC, Glasgow University’s Student Representative Council, have now closed as of Friday 18 February. The SRC elections are held annually, with four paid sabbatical positions on offer, which ...