Student Living Archives - The Glasgow Guardian

Room 223, Cairncross House

11th September 2023

Don’t obsess over making your halls a home away from home: embrace its eccentricites. Someone else is in my room. A few days ago they hauled bags past reception, up two flights of stairs, through a door, left turn, right turn, zig zag, zig zag again. No time to get a first impression when they ...

Cheap, easy stress-busters

27th March 2023

Aysha Sohail has some suggestions for those who need some relaxation on a budget! As much as things like retail therapy and going abroad are fun, plenty of de-stressing activities exist which don’t harm your bank account.  One thing which helped me at the beginning of the pandemic was going for runs. Even twenty minutes, ...

My flatmates used weaponised incompetence against me

20th December 2022

Can weaponised incompetence apply to flatmates too? Do your flatmates like to play Jenga with the recycling? Perhaps they pretend to ignore that the tinned tomatoes they failed to rinse out properly are sprouting a lovely garden of mould in the kitchen. Or maybe they just didn’t clean up after a house party.  It’s not ...

Picking a bone: Independence at University

21st September 2021

Editor-in-Chief Lucy Dunn shares her experience of struggling with the uncontrolled and sudden freedom that comes with starting university September 2016. Two days before my eighteenth birthday. £850 of SAAS freshly deposited into my famished bank account. I was leaving home and starting afresh, the sweetness of my long-awaited and inevitable freedom was delectable. What ...