Study Archives - The Glasgow Guardian

Extension tension

6th June 2024

Necessary lifeline or procrastination reflex? Illness, bereavement, injury, medication side effects, jury duty, other: reads the list of ‘why are you applying for this extension?’ dropdown options. I search for the one offering the most plausible reasoning and least required evidence. Illness is a safe bet, I think, having left myself three hours left to ...

Academic Validation

6th June 2024

Who are you beyond the grade? The one thing that I have been praised for more than anything else is how clever I am. From being one of the first in my year three class to attain pen licence knighthood, to achieving a solid string of not-so-shabby A-level grades; I have been rolling in academic ...

UofG study into social media-based insecurity

7th November 2022

The University of Glasgow has worked on a study showing the relationship between women’s insecurity and how they use social media. A recent study in partnership with the University of Glasgow, the University of the West of Scotland and the University of Strathclyde has shown that women avoid looking at Instagram images that reflect their ...

UofG study finds an increase in solitary drinking after Covid-19 lockdown measures

27th February 2022

The leader of the study says the topic of home drinking is one that needs to be monitored as we move out of the pandemic.  Lockdown restrictions throughout 2020 contributed towards a rise in more people in both Scotland and England drinking at home, according to a recent University of Glasgow study. The research, done ...

Study finds young peoples sex lives affected most by lockdown

1st February 2022

UofG researchers found an increase in virtual sexual activity and a decline in physical relationships and sexual satisfaction for people aged 18-24. A recent study published by the University of Glasgow in conjunction with University College London (UCL) and the National Centre for Social Research (NatCen) found that the sex lives of young people were ...

New study led by UofG to look into football and dementia

17th November 2021

After a study, last year by the University that found footballers are three and half times more likely to die of dementia a new study in conjunction with the PFA will delve into this relationship. PFA Scotland has given the green light for research to be conducted on former footballers to distinguish the correlation between ...

The tests you don’t need to study for

15th October 2021

Health scares and pharmacy trips: what do we test for, and how does it work? “Getting tested” is a hot topic just now, given that none of us can escape Covid-19 and the constant threat of isolation, but what other tests should we be aware of, why are they relevant to us, and how can ...

Study finds students feel uninformed about their post-school options

11th October 2021

Students cite “lack of education” and “in-depth” information when making choices on employment and education after sixth form or college. Research conducted by Careermap, a UK-based company offering opportunities for young people in education and employment, has found large swathes of young students felt uninformed about their post-school employment and higher education opportunities. Nota...

Resecuring Erasmus+: Scottish government to create new study abroad programme

19th September 2021

The Scottish Education Exchange Programme aims to regain a place for Scotland in the Erasmus+ programme. The new “Programme for Government” for the parliamentary year of 2021 to 2022 set out by the Scottish government includes a commitment to developing a new strategy for international education.  The exact details of the plan are not laid ...

Universal beauty does not exist, finds Glasgow study

23rd April 2021

Researchers find that different cultures hold different beauty ideals. A study led by the University of Glasgow researchers contradicts theories of universal beauty.  Research carried out at Glasgow’s Institute of Neuroscience and Psychology contradicts the common belief that there is a universal perceived attractiveness. The study was published at the start of the month in ...