wrong Archives - The Glasgow Guardian

What went wrong at Astroworld?

7th December 2021

Views Columnist Alisha explores the chaos of concerts, and how this madness can be better contained. Concertgoers tragically succumbed to injuries sustained at the Astroworld music festival in Houston, Texas, with 10 people dying in total. Recently, the BBC reported that a nine-year-old boy had passed away from injuries that resulted from the massive crowd ...

The final stage is acceptance: is my grieving wrong?

25th September 2021

Editor-in-Chief Hailie Pentleton asks if there is a proper way to grieve. It would have been my Papa’s 80th birthday last week. I missed out on being able to go home and visit his resting place because I was waiting on another PCR test result. As much as she misses him, I don’t reckon my ...