14% rise in students applying to Glasgow

News Staff

The University of Glasgow has seen undergraduate applications rise by 14.3 per cent this year.

The rise is the biggest increase for any of the Russell Group institutions, a group of the top 20 research-intensive universities in the United Kingdom, which includes Oxford, Cambridge and the London School of Economics.

Figures released by the Universities and Colleges Admission Service (UCAS) show that home, EU and international applications to Glasgow, including applications in 2009 for entry in 2010, rose from 21,147 in 2008 to 24,171 for 2009.

Fiona Andrews, Director of the Recruitments, Admissions and Participations Service believes the rise in figures reflect the University’s increasing stature as a leading institute.

She said: “We are delighted to see an increase in applications to Glasgow which speaks volumes for the reputation of the University and the high esteem in which our teaching and research activities are held, both at home and abroad.”

Overall, applications for the Russell Group’s 20 institutions rose 7 per cent year-on-year, with a total of 1,890,236 applications made.


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