Ishbel Begg
Nominations for the 2009 general elections at the Queen Margaret Union closed on February 27, with a number of positions left uncontested.
Three students — Aaron Murray, Lewis Mackenzie, and Angus Shepherd — will be fighting it out to win the election and become the next President.
In contrast to this, five positions are uncontested, including Honorary Secretary, and the roles of Events, Publications and Social Convenor.
In addition, although there are thirteen Ordinary Board positions available, only seven candidates have been nominated. For the two Former Student Member board positions, only one candidate has been nominated.
Despite this, outgoing President Alisdair Hunter has been impressed with the election interest thus far.
He told Guardian: “So far the response has been great. I think the fact that people invaded the computer science building flies in the face of student apathy.
“People seem excited about the elections and I’m sure there will be a good turn-out.”
Any member of the Queen Margaret Union can be nominated for any position, with first year Angus Shepherd in the running for President. The manifestos for all candidates will be available from March 2, both online and around the Union.
Fourth year QMU member, Nina Doherty, told Guardian why she is looking forward to election day.
She said: “I think it’s really important to have a part in choosing a good board of management in the QM, as it’s a place that’s really central to student life. It’s great to have the opportunity to take part in deciding that.”
Voting will take place in person on March 5 between 9am and 6pm, with the results to be announced later the same day in the Food Factory.