Jessie Rodger
The Ian Sword Lecturer in Organic Chemistry at the University of Glasgow, has been awarded a prestigious fellowship by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC).
The award of £1.04 million over the next five years will support Dr Rudi Marquez in his research into the next generation of healthcare, which is an initiative of the EPSRC.
The aim of this programme is to “improve the health of UK citizens at all stages of their lives, recognising the challenges and opportunities arising from an ageing population”
Dr Marquez is one of only fifteen scientific academics across the UK to receive the award this year and one of only two in Scotland.
Dr Marquez believes the fellowship will give him and his team the chance to boost their research.
He said: “I see this as an excellent opportunity to build upon our work and to firmly place my group’s research in the international stage.”
Dr Marquez also emphasised the importance of the team around him in attaining the prestigious Fellowship: “This award is a reflection of the hard work done by the postdoctorate, postgraduate and undergraduate students in the group. Without them this would have never
been possible.”
Dr Marquez also believes that the support of WestCHEM, a joint venture between the chemistry departments of Glasgow and Strathclyde University, played a part in his success.
He said: “I am sure that being part of WestCHEM with its excellent facilities and vision played a role in my group securing this award.”
Professor John N. Chapman, Dean of the Faculty of Physical Sciences at Glasgow University, praised Dr Marquez’s achievement.
He said: “I am delighted that Rudi Marquez has been awarded an EPSRC Leadership Fellowship. Coming on the heels of a very good RAE result from Chemistry, this will further strengthen research in the Department.”