The Guardian offers a taster of the city’s newest street style blog, Les Garçons de Glasgow.
Glasgow, famous for its shopping, fashion and experimental style, has had one thing missing til now – something that every other self-respecting city from Tokyo to Tel Aviv, from Berlin to Barcelona has. Can you guess what?
A street style blog.
Les Garçons de Glasgow, founded by two friends that share a fondness for the well dressed, has emerged in the last three months to fill a void in Glasgow’s blogosphere. Les Garcons, inspired by The Sartorialist and LookBook, is focused solely on Glasgow’s style in order to reflect the sartorial spirit of the city.
The ingredients are simple, too – a camera, a good eye and an Internet connection. Thrown into the mix are Glaswegians, divided between those with a passion for timeless style and those with an eye for constantly changing fashion trends.
Les Garçons intend to expand their love for Glaswegian style with the ‘A Glaswegian in…’ section that has featured Glaswegians based in New York, Montreal, Berlin and Paris. As well as this, the blog will be running style profiles of some of the brightest stars of Glasgow’s artistic community over the coming months, showcasing the talent the city has to offer.
Les Garçons have recently been invited to photograph the Subcity Halloween Party, Death Disco at the Arches and the institution that is Art School’s Record Playerz on a Thursday night.
For Les Garçons, style is something that is classic, will still look good in ten years time and more often that not is black and vintage. The blog aims to document the looks that hit Glasgow’s sodden streets and reflect the city’s flair for fashion.
You can see more of Les Garçons de Glasgow online here.