Glasgow Principal holds open Q&A

News Staff

The Principal of the University of Glasgow, Anton Muscatelli, has held his second open session with students on November 11.

The session, which consisted of a talk by Muscatelli followed by a question and answer session with students, was held in the university’s Bute Hall. It was intended to address student concerns regarding the upcoming cuts to Glasgow University’s budget, and the management’s response to the crisis.

The event was poorly attended, however, when less than 30 seats were filled in the 1,200 capacity venue. The lack of turnout raises questions about apathy from the student body toward the cuts, as well as concerns over how well the Q&A was publicised.
Tommy Gore, President of the Students’ Representative Council (SRC) acknowledged that responsibility for the poor turnout was the fault of the SRC.

He said, “I apologise for the poor attendance, the blame for that can solely be laid at the door of the SRC and we will be looking at ways to improve that.”

Questions asked during the session included student fears over course and staff cuts to the university as well as targeting the Principal’s salary and executive pay.

Despite the poor turnout, the Principal indicated that the next scheduled talk with students would not occur until after December, when the position of Scotlands’ government is clearer.


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