SMG to get 3.6% pay rise

Louise Wilson

The Senior Management Group (SMG) will receive an increased pay rise of 3.6%, the University has confirmed.

The increase in salaries from members of the SMG was negotiated during the Court meeting which took place on December 12th. Individual pay rises will range between 0-3%, depending upon the performance of each senior member of staff over the past year.

The SMG include the University Principal Professor Anton Muscatelli, Secretary of Court David Newall and Director of Finance Bob Fraser, among other prominent staff members. The role of the SMG is to direct the general running of the University Court and Senate in academic and resource issues.

Professor Anton Muscatelli will receive an increase of 3% on his current wage, following the decision taken in October to extend his role as Principal of the University by another 4 years. The Principal’s salary has otherwise been frozen since 2008, the last time the SMG received a pay rise.

Elsewhere in the University, staff members have received incremental increases to their wages since 2008. Around 40% of other University staff have received, on average, a 3% rise to their wages. The increase to SMG wages is to “retain and reward senior members of staff”, according to a University spokesperson.

The spokesperson continued: “Members of the Senior Management Group at the University of Glasgow have received no consolidated salary increase since August 2008. Other members of staff have benefitted from salary increases and, in many cases, incremental payments related to their grade during this period.  Most staff received a 0.5% increase in August 2009, with a further 0.4% in 2010 and a flat payment of £150 in 2011. A 1 % salary increase has been awarded for 2012.  Nearly 40% of staff are also in receipt of annual increments worth an additional 3% a year.

“The [University Remuneration] Committee also agreed that adjustments should be made to the remuneration of five members of the management group whose salaries were below the levels of equivalent positions at other universities.”

Salary increases will be backdated to August, in line with the 1% general increase awarded to staff at the beginning of this academic year.


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