Credit: Joe Elgar

University of Glasgow to honour A-level students’ offers after government U-turn

By Luke Chafer

This will see offers of A-level students rejected on A-level results day reinstated.

The University of Glasgow subsequently announced that all offer holders who previously had a firm acceptance but were rejected on results day and have now met their grade requirements will have their offers reinstated. 

The Director of Admissions, Jonathan Jones, has revealed that this affects around 250 prospective students.

Amidst growing pressure, the UK government announced on Monday 17 August that the highly criticised algorithm that resulted in 39% of centre assessed A-level grades being lowered would be scrapped. 

One of the students affected is Priyanka Virdi, who received an offer to study Human Biology at the University of Glasgow but was rejected after receiving her grades that were adjusted by Ofquals algorithm. On results day she received C, C, D in A-level Biology, Chemistry, and Physics after being predicted A, A, A and receiving Center Assessed Grades of A, B, B. Because of this, she was rejected by the University of Glasgow, her firm choice, and the University of Bristol, her insurance, Priyanka sought a place through clearing at Royal Holloway. 

Priyanka told The Glasgow Guardian: “When I received my initial results I was completely devastated because all of the hard work I’d put in the past year went down the drain… my results were a real shock as it did not reflect my ability in the slightest.”

As a result of the government U-turn, Priyanka is now one of the 250 students who will have their offers reinstated and has said that she has found the University communication “relatively helpful considering the situation”, however, there has been some confusion over the next steps. Initially, the University told students that the process would all be completed through UCAS within 48 hours, but now the website requests a form be filled out, yet prospective students weren’t notified of this development. 

As well as affecting students who had held a firm offer, the grade adjustment will also affect those who used clearing. The University accepted around 150 students from the rest of the UK and 50 international students. The government’s U-turn means these students are less likely to take advantage of their offers to study at the University of Glasgow, as they will now be able to go to either their firm or insurance choices. Across the country, around 15,000 students will now meet the conditions of their firm choice. 

Due to the late changes to grades, the overall intake for this year is yet to be finalised. The director of admissions has said: “The situation is pretty fluid and numbers will be changing right the way up to the start of teaching. Meanwhile, we are supporting our new incoming students as best we can, so they have a successful start to their Glasgow experience.”


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