University of Glasgow gives further information on Covid-19 testing for students intending to travel.
Following the announcement from the Scottish government about travelling during the holiday period, the University announced that they are committed to follow these measures. In recent communications, the University has given further guidance on Covid-19 testing for asymptomatic students.
As part of these recommendations, the University claims they will make welfare a top priority by giving clear early advice and support and staggering departures, as well as by following general Covid-19 restrictions – including having a two week reduced social mixing period before leaving.
Testing for asymptomatic students will take place between 30 November and 11 December on the main campus. Students at the Dumfries campus will be offered their own testing process, details of which will be issued soon.
Tests will have to be booked in advance for a time to attend a testing centre. The University will be giving further information on how to book soon.
The tests are free of charge and available to any UofG student, undergraduate or postgraduate. Students will only be able to take tests if they intend to travel during the holiday period and are currently asymptomatic, having not tested positive for Covid-19 in the last 90 days.
The test is a Lateral Flow antigen test, which uses a saliva swab to detect the presence or absence of coronavirus. These are quicker than PCR tests, producing a result within 30 minutes and do not require a laboratory to be processed. The lateral flow process requires two separate swab tests, completed three days apart. If either of these returns positive, students will be asked to book a confirmatory test via NHS Inform. Even if both tests return negative, students will still need to isolate if another member of their household tests positive. If students develop symptoms at any point, they are recommended to follow the NHS Inform online guidance.