Credit: Glasgow Marrow

Glasgow Goes Dating is back – and this year it’s “bigger and better!”

By Ollie Rudden

Glasgow Marrow are back (virtually) for Valentine’s with two dating events: speed dating and professionally-matched matchmaking.

Glasgow Goes Dating is back and is “bigger and better” than before.

After the success of last year’s event which raised over £700, Glasgow Marrow’s popular dating event is making a return this Valentine’s Day and will host not one, but two, big dating events for the single students of Glasgow.

The first of these is a brand new speed dating event which will take place on Valentine’s Day, this Sunday 14 February at 8pm. Making the most of the opportunity for romance, the society will host a second event, the return of their professional matchmaking, on Tuesday 16 February at 8pm. Glasgow Marrow are certain this will “set you up on a blind date with the *guaranteed* love of your life!”

Covid-19 restrictions ensuing, both of these events are to be held on Zoom. Callum Johnson, Fundraising Coordinator for Glasgow Marrow told The Glasgow Guardian: “We did try out some other software but decided that Zoom worked best and is something that everyone is now very familiar with.”

“Speed dating will be done with breakout rooms. Everybody will be numbered, and half our daters will stay in the same breakout room for the whole event, whilst the other half move one breakout room up each round. After the event we’ll follow everyone up with a form asking if they would like to exchange phone numbers with any of their dates.

“Everybody signs up with their Zoom linked email, and will be registered onto the Zoom call in advance so all the breakout rooms can be pre-set and ready to go.”

When asked why students should sign up, especially those who may be shy or daunted about the prospect of taking part, Callum discussed: “Lockdown has been particularly tough and, at times, lonely for single people, so our event will hopefully provide a refreshing change to Tinder and other dating apps.

“I would say to people feeling a bit daunted that online dating has it’s advantages! You can do it from the comfort of your own home, nobody is around to see if it goes terribly, and for speed dating it’s, at worst, 5 minutes of awkwardness before the next date!

“The event will be monitored by our team so if at any point anyone feels needs help with anything, feels uncomfortable, or just needs a pep talk, we will be able to step in.”

Finally, Callum reiterated the importance of the donations this event will make: “All the money raised will go towards Anthony Nolan, the UK’s leading blood cancer charity, who match individuals willing to donate their stem cells to people in desperate need of a lifesaving transplant. This money will go a huge way towards helping Anthony Nolan sign up new donors, maintain the stem cell register, and facilitate life saving transplants.”

Glasgow Marrow are the student-ran branch of Anthony Nolan. They recruit donors onto the stem cell register to save the lives of people with blood cancer. To find out more about the work that the Anthony Nolan charity does, click here.

To sign up and buy tickets to Glasgow Goes Dating, please click on the link below:


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