Credit: Unifessions UK

New national confessions page Unifessions UK launches

By Silas Pease

The page involves over 20 uni confession pages across the UK, including GlasKnow.

A new university online confessions page catered to students across the UK was launched in early March. The page, called Unifessions UK, invites students nationwide to share their uni-related confessions to a wider audience. 

Among over 20 UK university confession pages that helped to set up this new national effort is the University of Glasgow’s own GlasKnow 2.0. In a recent post on their Facebook page, the GlasKnow team wrote: “We are very happy to support the launch of Unifessions UK, a new initiative put together by a group of confession page admins across 21 universities in the UK!”

The first confession was posted on Thursday 18 March, confessing: “Nobody actually wants this page”, followed by usual GlasKnow style confessions and memes, with a couple of memes and confessions taking aim at Oxbridge students.

Unifessions UK officially launched on 18 March this year and has currently over 5000 likes on Facebook, and its page can be found here.


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