Credit: GUSRC

Manifesto Analysis: SRC School of Chemistry Rep

By Ollie Rudden

Deputy News Editor Ollie Rudden analyses the manifestos of the two students running for the role of School of Chemistry Rep in the SRC autumn elections, for which voting commences on 14 October.

Grace Cleasby

Grace is a third-year chemistry student who has been fairly active with the SRC, has been a class rep for the past two years, a freshers’ helper and is now part of the Raising and Giving committee. Grace’s ambition as rep is to grow the Chemistry community at UofG by increasing membership of the Alchemist Society and introduce “chemistry families” which she says will bring in “parents” and “siblings” from past years to come and give talks and advice to chemistry students, creating an “irreplaceable support network”. Additionally, she wants to create an anonymous suggestion platform for chemistry students to send concerns and other ideas acknowledging that not everyone feels comfortable about opening up about difficult issues. She also wishes to find a solution to the past-paper answers issue facing chemistry students and suggests that setting up study groups with staff and students can work together through these problems.

Navneet Jhariya

Navneet’s manifesto bases his manifesto under five issues. Regarding academic help he hopes to ensure no students are disadvantaged by online classes, offer additional academic support as well as pushing for independent study spaces on campus, available 24/7. For physical and mental help he hopes to introduce mental health workshops specifically for first years and offer housing assistance to students regarding any housing issues. For finance and employment, Navneet hopes to promote and support part-time jobs to students, reduce the time taken to reimburse expenses and further promote bursaries, scholarships and hardship funds available to students. For having a safe campus, he hopes to bring in university security services and international support and push for the University to review all lighting on all safe entrances and exits on campus. For miscellaneous support, Navneet hopes to improve inter-school research, extend sport and extra-curricular activities and have excursion tours to nearby universities and possibly abroad.


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