Ten new scholarships are up for grabs for eligible students to study at the University of Glasgow.
James McCune Smith scholarships have announced that they will subsidise scholarships at the University of Glasgow for Black UK students to undertake PhD research. The organisation has also stated it would provide external mentors, placements, leadership training, community-building activities, and networking opportunities.
The Institute is offering ten scholarships which are available to begin from October 2022. Eight of these places are funded by the University of Glasgow, allowing research to be conducted in any discipline, while two are funded by GSK Medicinal Chemistry and support research to be conducted within the areas of organic synthesis and medicinal chemistry. The funding will cover stipends and fees for up to four years.
The scheme will offer a six-month placement with industry, a government or non-governmental organisation or alternative employers. In addition to academic supervisors, the mentorship offered will be from an individual out of academia to provide a broader perspective of society.
For the applicant to be eligible for placement, they must be a UK domiciled Black African, Black Caribbean, Back Other, Mixed White and Black Caribbean, Mixed White and Black African, or other mixed backgrounds (to include Black African, Black Caribbean or Black Other).
James McCune Smith, whom the scholarships are named after, graduated from the University of Glasgow in 1837 as the first African American to receive a medical degree. He went on to have an illustrious career as a physician, abolitionist, educator, scholar, and writer. During the 19th century, he was one of the most highly respected intellectuals in America.
This is a fantastic opportunity for me at 25yrs.
Thanks for your time and support.
Thanks for supporting black people and helping them financially.