It might be getting colder but winter sporting opportunities are only heating up.
Once again we are staring down the barrel of the oh-so-frosty gun that is a Glasgow winter. The coming months, to most, present dark nights at home with the sound of rain against the window and little hope for sunshine, never mind warmth. However, to some of us, the coming of winter is like a resurgence of an old friend: the renaissance of winter sport is upon us.
To start with, it doesn’t rain every day, so be sure and check the weather (top tip: use the Norwegian YR service), and head up one of the many hills near Glasgow. From a myriad of Munros to gentle viewpoints over Loch Long, our city is uniquely placed to access the mountains and some of the world’s most beautiful vistas. Scotland isn’t beautiful for its weather; its beauty is in its ruggedness, so don’t lose heart if wild mountains are your bag – you can still do your sporting pastime during the latter months of the year!
“Scotland isn’t beautiful for its weather; its beauty is in its ruggedness…”
In the second instance (and slightly more specialist), the winter coldness means that snow will soon be coming to the nation. From December onwards you can expect to find the northern ranges of Glen Coe and Glen Shea covered with the beautiful white powder. For some, that means the start of the ski season from around January. However, day-trippers and beginners shouldn’t miss out on getting a glimpse of our local winter wonderland. Buses and trains are available to both venues, and there is something for everyone.
If the weather truly does drive you inside, the University has several of its own indoor facilities, so you can continue your fitness regime all year round. Or, why not try a new sport indoors? For example, Glasgow has several indoor climbing gyms to work on your technique before the sun returns, and a velodrome to try your hand at indoor cycling. For more traditional wintertime sports, there are many ice rinks in the surrounding area that are more than accessible from the city, as well as an indoor ski slope at Braehead, which is set to reopen in the coming weeks.
The point is, don’t be disheartened by the weather, it might be rubbish, but it’s what makes our city so unique. So whether you’re starting a fresh new sport or returning to an old hobby, enjoy the winter, and let’s not just talk about the rain.