GUSA election manifesto analysis

By Claire Thomson

This year’s elections to the GUSA council see the election of two sabbatical positions – President, and for the first time, a sabbatical Vice President. The role of President remains uncontested with Club Sport Convenor Vivek Pandya elected unopposed to the role. The Vice President position is being contested by GUSA’s current Alumni Convenor Ewan Galbraith and Weightlifting Club President Liam Clarke.

Vivek Pandya for GUSA President

Vivek Pandya, a candidate with extensive experience, has been elected unopposed to the role of Glasgow University Sports Association (GUSA) President. His manifesto promises a great deal, targeting the key issues of welfare, sustainability, inclusion and accessibility, facilities and transparency. His overarching aim for the coming year is to further encourage wider participation from the University community throughout club sport and non-club sport activities.

He has recognised that access to facilities is hindering the growth of the association at the moment and wants to focus on maximising the spaces in university buildings as well as looking into forming partnerships with the local community. His background in welfare will provide support and the aim to tackle the problem surrounding memberships at University of Glasgow Sport will improve accessibility to members. Overall, Vivek seeks to consolidate and develop the organisation of GUSA to ensure that it has the potential to benefit as many students as possible.

Ewan Galbraith for GUSA Vice President 

Having served on GUSA Council for the previous two years, currently as Alumni Convenor, Ewan Galbraith has worked closely with the Presidents and Vice-Presidents on a number of issues and schemes to improve engagement throughout GUSA.

He highlights in his manifesto the “rewarding” experiences of being Welfare Convenor and aims to continue promoting wellness through various initiatives, such as GUSA Active Buddies and Exam De-Stress. He strives to provide support for those wanting to undertake physical activity in both club and non-club settings and commit to the creation of Best Practice guides and Equality and Diversity training and policies.

His inter-sport approach will incorporate a large variety of sports and clubs, therefore encouraging wider participation and greater opportunities for all. He aims to reintroduce drop in sessions and collaborate alongside the SRC to continue organising events such as the Intramural Sports Leagues and Festival of Sport, which include non-traditional sporting groups, thus appealing to a larger demographic.

Finally, Ewan aims to ensure that GUSA Ball is accessible to everyone and celebrates the achievements of the student body. 

Overall, his manifesto promises an inclusive and positive environment, improving engagement and consolidating the sense of community within GUSA.

Liam Clarke for GUSA Vice President 

Noting that the addition of a second sabbatical position in Vice President as a “turning point” for GUSA, Liam aims to place an emphasis on inclusion, wellness and support in his campaign. His experience in liaising with governing bodies and advocacy groups has enabled him to work collaboratively with others to empower students and promote accessibility and engagement.

He aims to increase the inclusion at GUSA Ball by securing a reliable sponsor and removing financial stress from students planning to attend the event. Additionally, he wants to promote inclusion by expanding current recreational sport opportunities, through both club sport and non-club options. His aim of further developing the community structures within GUSA, such as Intramural Leagues, and active buddies programmers will further provide support for members and encourage greater engagement.

Liam strives to develop a key project centred around the creation of clear pathways to competitive sport for trans and non-binary athletes and hopes for more clubs and athletes to participate and get involved.

Overall, his manifesto highlights the importance of the wellness of students at university through sport and how it can be inclusive and beneficial to every student.


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