A group of protestors holding a sign that says "No to Islamophobia and anti-semitism"

Antisemitism report shows record highs of discrimination in the UK

By Melanie Goldberg

Newly published report paints damning oversight of Jewish hate crimes.

A newly published report has revealed a substantial increase in antisemitic hate crimes in the UK. Released by UK-based Jewish charity Community Security Trust (CST), 2,255 incidents were reported, which is the highest number on record. Specifically, the figures indicate a steady increase with British-based Jewish hate crimes up 34% on those recorded in 2020.

Antisemitic violent assaults are up 78%. There is a 237% increase in school-related narratives. University-related antisemitisms are up 237% since 2020. Students, academics, and other members of staff are all included in reports on university-related incidents, as both victims and perpetrators. Over half of the university-related incidents recorded occurred online. May 2021 saw the highest number of reports, with a record 661 incidents.

The Covid-19 pandemic appears to have exacerbated antisemitism and prompted an increase in incidents. Some examples of the incidents recorded in the report include comparisons between lockdown rules and the Holocaust, Jews being accused of creating Covid-19, and desecration of cemeteries. 


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