For the first time in four years, Glasgow won the Taxis Cup – Scotland’s largest student varsity sporting competition – against Strathclyde and Glasgow Caledonian University.
The competition usually takes place annually, however returned this year following a three-year hiatus due to Covid-19. Just under 1,000 students participated across 21 fields of sport, including football, hockey, and athletics.
Commenting on Glasgow’s performance at Scotstoun Sports Campus, GUSA President Jessica Woodcock said: “It’s been wonderful seeing the return of Glasgow Taxis Cup again this year. To say I’m proud is an understatement. Huge congratulations to Glasgow, and to everyone who took part, helped to organise, and came to support.
“Lifting that cup for Glasgow has been one of my proudest moments whilst GUSA President, and I can’t wait to bring it back where it belongs: Glasgow.”
This is the 19th year of the Glasgow Taxis Cup, which is supported by Glasgow Taxis Ltd.