Cancer Research UK will pull funding from Beatson West of Scotland Cancer Centre’s clinical trials unit.
Cancer Research UK plans to stop core funding for the Beatson West of Scotland Cancer Centre clinical trials unit, which has ties to the University of Glasgow’s School of Cancer Science.
The announcement, which was reported on 11 February, blames the pandemic for the lack of available funding through fundraising. The core funding being cut pays for the salaries of specialists who run the clinical trials, including scientists and project managers, rather than funding for the actual research, The Herald reported.
Anton Muscatelli, the Principal and Vice-Chancellor at the University of Glasgow, tweeted on Friday that the University would raise the shared concern many have for cutting funds for clinical trials in Scotland.
“Investing in cancer research and clinical trials close to patients is what helps address health inequalities and also an inclusive economy,” Muscatelli tweeted. “This matters deeply to Scotland.”
Cancer Research UK released a report in early February which projects cancer cases in the UK to rise by one-third, from 384,000 diagnoses each year to 506,000 in 2040.
Ongoing research trials will be able to continue, but there is uncertainty with how the unit’s long-term research projects will continue. Core funding for the clinical trial unit in Cardiff is also expected to be stopped. Seven sites in England will remain in operation.
This is a disgraceful develoment resulting in all research being centralised in England. With the new site in Oxford bringing the English sites to seven and now NONE in Scotland or Wales. I personally find this totally unacceptable.
The Beatson in Glasgow is well respected worldwide.
I will no longer support your charity in any way. Up until now you were my main charity if choice for donations.
Elizabeth Black.