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Students elect Corbyn

By Alan Rubin-Castejón

The Glasgow University Dialectic Society has elected Jeremy Corbyn as Honorary President of the club at their latest Annual General meeting held on Monday.

One of the members of the Dialectic Society, Michael Cartledge, suggested nominating the former leader of the Labour Party and said the following: “I felt that he has spent most of his career fighting against oppression, in many of the forms it takes.”

” He has never wavered from his beliefs, even now when the party he has dedicated decades to is forcing him out.” Cartledge argued.

The selection came just a day before Keir Starmer confirmed that Corbyn will not be able to seek re-election as a member of the Labour party to the national executive council.

Outgoing president of the society, Alex Palmer stated that “electing an honorary board is both a fun bit of tradition as well as a legitimate way for our members to show their appreciation for those they respect in society.”

Additionally, the Dialectic Society also elected six honorary vice presidents. Palmer explained, “we have elected several people who have gone above and beyond (notably several members of the GUU’s staff) in addition to other, perhaps less serious candidates.”

Among the honorary board chosen last year was Monica Lewinsky, which members decided to complement this year with Bill Clinton at this year’s vote.


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anna ord

love u alina x