
Choose your next student council

By Jeevan Farthing

A no-nonsense guide to the SRC elections taking place at the end of the month.

Elections are currently taking place for positions on the Students’ Representative Council (SRC). The SRC is one of four student unions at the University of Glasgow, being responsible for representing the interests and views of the student body to the University. The SRC hold positions on the University Senate and University Court, run freshers’ week, and oversee and support clubs and societies at the University.

Any student can run for a position on the SRC. 42 positions are up for election, including four sabbatical positions: President, Vice-President Student Support, Vice-President Education, and Vice-President Student Activities. Other positions encompass undergraduate college convenors, postgraduate research college convenors, school representatives, and welfare and equal opportunities officers.

The deadline for students to nominate themselves, and collect the required number of sponsors, is Friday 16 February at 4pm. Hustings for non-sabbatical positions will take place on Monday 26 February at 6pm, while sabbatical hustings will occur the following day, Tuesday 27 February, also at 6pm.

Voting opens at 9am on Wednesday 28 February, and closes on Thursday 29 February at 5pm, with the results announced shortly afterwards. Voting takes place on the UofG Life app.


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