Boris Johnson Archives - The Glasgow Guardian

Who should replace Boris Johnson upon his resignation?

18th March 2022

A curated list of people who would be a better leader than Boris Johnson. We live in a really dire time in British history, there’s no denying that. However, we’re now experiencing a niche little pocket of unusual societal excitement with the anticipation of Boris Johnson’s resignation, triggered by the simple fact that he’s an ...

Pondering the political parody.

13th March 2022

Social media and politics: a bittersweet relationship? A YouTube video published by The Sun named “Boris’ best moments” has been viewed over 4.1 million times; videos like these frequently appear on my timeline. Other titles which show our Prime Minister acting in bizarre ways include “Top 10 WTF Boris Johnson Moments” and “Boris Johnson’s BEST ...

Fighting over Partygate won’t solve the cost-of-living-crisis

28th February 2022

While the Tory party remains embroiled in the Partygate scandal, the cost of basic amenities is spiralling out of control. If you haven’t been living under a rock, you’ll have noticed that Boris Johnson is about one more awkward photograph away from losing his position as prime minister. Across the major news outlets the scandal ...

Don’t place all your bets on a Johnson resignation

17th January 2022

Writer Patrick Gaffey explains why Boris Johnson’s resignation will mean nothing if the system that allows his behaviour is not changed. Prime Minister Boris Johnson faces perhaps his biggest threat since taking power, after admitting to attending an illegal party in May 2020, ignoring his government’s lockdown regulations on a day when 103 British people ...

Do they know there’s a pandemic at all?

24th December 2021

Basilia Weir examines the faults of the UK government throughout the pandemic, highlighting the most recent scandal of the Christmas parties held last year. I don’t know about you, but I wasn’t surprised to learn that the Conservatives had a Christmas party last year when Covid-19 cases were on the rise and indoor socialising was ...

How Boris’ Brexit failure has saved the Union

20th December 2021

In Investigation Editor Jordan Hunter’s article, shortlisted for the Guardian Foundation’s Hugo Young Award, he examines the recent shift against independence. With Brexit in shambles and a Conservative government looking to stay around longer than what many progressive Scots hoped for, the SNP were looking to capitalise off a series of favourable polls going into ...

COP diaries: day 11

12th December 2021

Wednesday 10 November There were a few events I’d been keen to attend on Wednesday, but I was also conscious that the end of the second week was fast approaching and I’d not ventured too much further out from the press hub or the plenaries. I decided to wander from the media centre – after ...

Review: Jamie Reid’s Taking Liberties @ Made in Paisley

22nd October 2021

Over 40 years on from designing the iconic Sex Pistols’ album cover, Jamie Reid’s work is just as relevant as ever. In a career spanning over five decades, it is a rare feat to find that the highly politicised and engaged works of artist Jamie Reid are still as emphatically relevant today. Reid’s exhibition Taking ...