17th November 2021
The group rallied against the way it feels the capitalist system harms the climate. Following on from their campaign action throughout the day on November 6, the International Socialist Alternative (ISA) held an evening rally called “Capitalism is Killing the Planet.” The ISA introduced the event by focusing on the “immense” tasks that lay before ...
9th November 2021
From a lack of work experience to adequate advice on opportunities abroad students are dissatisfied at the levels of careers support. A report that has investigated international students’ experiences with careers and employability support at UK universities, commissioned by The Higher Education Policy Institute (HEPI) and Kaplan International Pathways, has found low levels of satisfaction ...
8th November 2021
Students gather to make posters for the upcoming protests in Glasgow regarding the climate crisis. Glasgow University Amnesty International (GUAmnesty) in cooperation with the Student Representative Council (SRC) hosted a craftivism session in preparation for protests surrounding COP26 and the Global Day of Climate Justice. Annika Kapp, Secretary of Glasgow University Amnesty International took Th...
11th October 2021
Students have had to return home, being told to defer or continue their studies online, after the University failed to house incoming international students. International students have been left with no accommodation, despite an initial guarantee from the Chief Operating Officer and University Secretary, David Duncan. Students have alternatively been instructed to not travel to ...
25th September 2021
What’s happening in Guinea? Charlotte Christian discusses the latest upheaval in Guinea and the legacy of French colonialism in the country. On the 5th of September, shooting echoed around the presidential palace of Guinea, a resource-rich coastal nation in West Africa. The military overthrew President Alpha Condé – a reaction to his government’s corruption, creeping ...
5th September 2021
Independence, agency, and the rights of women The Taliban, a force thought long-defeated in 2001, not to the extent of complete elimination but to a supposed degree of manageability, has resurfaced to capture the capital city of the Afghan state, Kabul. In the wake of US forces withdrawing troops from Afghanistan and the spread of ...
29th May 2021
Recent criticisms of staff attitudes feed into a wider series of complaints. Students have criticised a University staff member online after insensitive comments comparing a move around Greater Glasgow to international students being unable to return home was made on a Zoom call with students. Controversy was sparked after one of the clinical leads for ...
29th March 2021
The new visas will allow international graduates to stay and find work in the UK for up to two years and three years for doctoral graduates. Beginning on 1 July 2021, international students will be eligible to apply for the new Graduate Route visa, which will allow international graduates to remain in the UK for ...
9th November 2020
As the Covid-19 pandemic continues to rage across Europe, is it right that football players are joining up with national teams? As one of the most popular sources of entertainment, it’s natural that many would gravitate towards the return of professional football following its suspension as a result of Covid-19 as soon as possible. While ...