tuition fees Archives - The Glasgow Guardian

University to refund fees to homeless first-year students

17th October 2022

 Incoming first years who could not begin their degree due to homelessness will have any fees refunded, The Glasgow Guardian is informed. A University of Glasgow spokesperson has told The Glasgow Guardian that any new student who has had to withdraw from their studies as a result of accommodation issues will have any deposits or ...

Vice chancellors speak in favour of raising tuition fees

14th September 2022

Universities in the UK are taking in more international students to boost their income as the freeze on tuition fees stops them boosting fees for students from England and Wales. Vice Chancellors in England and Wales have argued that domestic tuition fees for UK students should be raised to approximately £24,000 per year, an amount ...

Legal bid to force universities to pay tuition fee refunds due to Covid-19 launched

4th December 2020

This bid is being fuelled by the argument that the education that students receive has suffered due to changes made in response to the Covid-19 outbreak. A legal bid aiming to get university students refunds for their tuition fees due to the changes in teaching formats required because of Covid-19 restrictions was launched on Friday ...

Should we be paying for Zoom uni?

15th November 2020

Jack Corban and Rothery Sullivan discuss the idea that the University should be charging less for online teaching. We’re paying £9k a year for this?  Jack Corban Universities have cost money ever since 1998, subsequently going up in price in 2004 before seeing their most controversial rise in 2010. This of course does not apply ...

The Scottish Tories U-turn on free tuition fees isn’t fooling anyone

1st November 2020

Can a leopard truly change its spots? Or is this a thinly veiled attempt to win young votes from the SNP? In 2008, the SNP made higher education completely free for Scottish and EU students. Since 2007, the Scottish Tories have opposed this policy. So, it came as a surprise when Douglas Ross MP, the ...