Credit: Creative Commons

Strathclyde Union to add lids to cups in bid to stop spiking

Credit: Creative Commons

Georgina Hayes

Strathclyde University Union will be offering lids for all drinks served at their bars in hopes to stop people from having their drinks spiked. The union has ordered 1,000 lids on a trial basis.

The decision was prompted by a Facebook campaign “Girls Against Spiking”, which has been set up to raise awareness of and prevent instances of spiking on nights out. The Facebook page states that it will be contacting Glasgow University’s Queen Margaret Union and Glasgow Caledonian’s Union with suggestions also.

Recently there have been several reports of spiking in Glasgow bars and nightclubs, including a recent serious incident on Sauchiehall Street allegedly caused by a date rape drug.

Strathclyde Union Events Coordinator, Jennifer Imrie, was behind the initiative and said that she is delighted that Strathclyde could take such an active role in trying to ensure the safety of students.

Glasgow University’s student unions currently do not offer lids for students to put on their drinks.


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