analysis Archives - The Glasgow Guardian

Israel-Palestine and the demise of journalism

16th February 2024

A recent study conducted by The Intercept revealed major newspaper’s slanted coverage of Israel’s assault on Palestine. This comes after 1484 journalists signed an open letter speaking out against Western bias in reporting on Israel and Palestine. According to The Intercept’s quantitative analysis study, the coverage of the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, ...

Student places 5th in crucial by-election

18th October 2023

A Glasgow student and candidate for the Scottish Green party has placed 5th in the Rutherglen and Hamilton West by-election. A University of Glasgow fourth-year student has placed 5th in the Rutherglen and Hamilton West by-election which saw an overall Labour victory. The former SNP seat was contested after its Member of Parliament, Margaret Ferrier, ...

GUSA election manifesto analysis

1st March 2022

This year’s elections to the GUSA council see the election of two sabbatical positions – President, and for the first time, a sabbatical Vice President. The role of President remains uncontested with Club Sport Convenor Vivek Pandya elected unopposed to the role. The Vice President position is being contested by GUSA’s current Alumni Convenor Ewan ...

Election analysis: Who are the candidates vying to be next year’s SRC sabbatical officers?

1st March 2022

Editor-in-Chief Lucy Dunn and News Editor Luke Chafer break down the 2022/23 SRC sabbatical candidate manifestos. Nominations for major positions on the 2022/23 student board of the SRC, Glasgow University’s Student Representative Council, have now closed as of Friday 18 February. The SRC elections are held annually, with four paid sabbatical positions on offer, which ...

Manifesto Analysis: SRC School of Chemistry Rep

13th October 2021

Deputy News Editor Ollie Rudden analyses the manifestos of the two students running for the role of School of Chemistry Rep in the SRC autumn elections, for which voting commences on 14 October. Grace Cleasby Grace is a third-year chemistry student who has been fairly active with the SRC, has been a class rep for ...

Manifesto Analysis: SRC Postgraduate Convenor for Science and Engineering

13th October 2021

Three students are running for the role of Postgraduate Convenor for the College of Science and Engineering in the SRC autumn elections for which voting commences on 14 October. Deputy News Editor Ollie Rudden reports. Arundhathi Pushpagaran Arundhathi describes herself as a “friendly and easy-going” person who enjoys meeting new people and one who will ...

Manifesto Analysis: a round-up of the SRC general representative applicants

13th October 2021

Alongside the sabbatical officers, it is the general representatives’ role to represent all students on campus. Their wide remit allows those elected to explore and promote areas of passion. This is the most hotly contested position with eleven students vying for the role, and News Editor Luke Chafer gives his rundown of each manifesto. Abdul ...