Elections Archives - The Glasgow Guardian

Will the world vote to save the planet?

18th May 2024

In a crucial year of elections, the economy is set to kill the environment. This year is hugely important in determining the fate of both global politics and the environment. The people of both established and emerging geopolitical powers will have the chance to vote on their future, and their choices will impact the generations ...

Choose your next student council

18th February 2024

A no-nonsense guide to the SRC elections taking place at the end of the month. Elections are currently taking place for positions on the Students’ Representative Council (SRC). The SRC is one of four student unions at the University of Glasgow, being responsible for representing the interests and views of the student body to the ...

24 elections to look out for in 2024

14th January 2024

2024 is the year of elections, but which ones should you be keeping an eye on? 2024 is a year of elections. 64 countries and the European Union, representing a combined 49% of the global population, will be going to the ballot box over the coming 12 months. Taking place across the globe, these elections will ...

Electoral test for the SNP and Labour in Rutherglen and Hamilton West

19th September 2023

How will new SNP leader Humza Yousaf fare as the people of Rutherglen and Hamilton West take to the polls? The constituents of Rutherglen and Hamilton West will go to the polls on Thursday 5 October to participate in a closely contested by-election, triggered by the removal of their former MP Margaret Ferrier. Almost 15% ...

Cleaning up the system – whose fault is it anyway?

5th May 2022

An exclusive with Kezia Dugdale: Director of the John Smith Centre. Glasgow is amidst another local election cycle. We’ve seen this before. Fanfare, spectacle, the red carpet dusted off to entice you to vote. The usual campaign hullabaloo has once again arrived, but it’s not been hard to detect the cloud of apathy on campus. ...

SRC spring elections: what happened at the sabbatical positions hustings?

1st March 2022

Polling opens at 9am on Wednesday 2 March at 9am for the sabbatical positions within the SRC. The Glasgow Guardian covered hustings for the sabbatical positions on the SRC. These positions are: SRC President (three candidates: Jordan Hunter, Jenna Fraser, Rinna Väre), Vice President Education (two candidates: Micaela Levesque, Miko Mojsiej), Vice President Student Activities ...

SRC spring elections: what happened at the non-sabbatical positions hustings?

1st March 2022

Polling opens at 9am on Wednesday 2 March for the non-sabbatical positions on the SRC. The Glasgow Guardian covered hustings for the non-sabbatical positions on the SRC, none of which saw more than one candidate standing. Positions up for grabs are undergraduate college convenors, school representatives and welfare and equal opportunity officers.  Undergraduate College of ...

New year, new Labour, and the return of Jezza

9th February 2022

It’s no secret that the Labour Party is in a state of crisis, losing support in almost every area it could once call home. The Keir Starmer leadership seems less interested in tackling the Tories than in forcing out any young, left-wing, or working-class members within their ranks. An estimated 200,000 people have left the ...

Nominations open for SRC autumn elections

25th September 2021

Students have the chance to represent fellow students with a variety of positions up for grabs. Nominations for the SRC Autumn Elections are now open until 4 October, with 14 positions available for both undergraduate and postgraduate students to represent their fellow students with a seat on the Student Representative Council (SRC). All students will ...

Glasgow regional list results declared

8th May 2021

Seven candidates have been proportionally elected to represent the Glasgow regional list, including Kelvin candidates Patrick Harvie and Pam Duncan-Glancy. The election results for the Glasgow regional list have been announced. Seven candidates have been elected to represent Glasgow in the Scottish parliament via the Glasgow region.  Scottish Labour has won four seats, the same ...